Povalishnikova S. R.
School life in Vladimir Governorate during the First World War P.35- 46.
UDC 37(470.314)(09):94(47).083
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.004
Abstract. The article analyzes the development of school education in the Vladimir Governorate during the First World War. The war greatly affected daily lives of students and teachers. The purpose of the article is to assess the changes that took place in the school communities after the outbreak of military hostilities. The paper raises the problem of shortcomings in school education during the war years, and it also considers the specifics of disciplinary sanctions against delinquent pupils. We study the difficulties that educational institutions of the Ryazan Governorate faced during this period (mostly of material natureTo overcome these, both students and lecturers collaborated. They planted gardens on their school grounds and ran concerts, charging entrance fees to spectators. In general, there existed a unity among the teachers and students, and observance of discipline. The article analyzes the causes and consequences of the shortage of teaching staff and changes in the attitude of the local population towards their lecturers who were ethnic Germans. We describe the contents of the respective exams, listing the topics in the curricula, the titles of literary works studied, as well as ways to organize extracurricular activities of schoolchildren (usually represented by societies or trips). These materials are mainly based on documents from the state archives of the Vladimir and Ivanovo Regions, and many of these are newly introduced into scholarly circulation. The findings of this study expand the understanding of the activities of educational organizations in 1914–1918 and create a more complete picture of everyday military life. In addition, the article has an educational potential, as it demonstrates to modern schoolchildren the cost of education for Russian children in early 20th century.
Keywords: Vladimir Governorate, World War I, Russian Empire, school.
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