Polovetsky S. D., Ovchinnikov A. V., Milovanov K. Yu.

Alexander II’s Educational Innovations:  the Implementation of the Great Reforms  P.7-17.

UDC 94(47).081:37(47)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.001

The article focuses on the investigation of the ideology of educational innovations and their implementation in the 1860s-1870s. The aim of the research is to single out major strategies of educational policy, to investigate types and kinds of innovations, to study people responsible for fateful decisions related to Russian education in the era of the Great Reforms. The article highlights that the analyzed epoch marks a milestone of Russian educational reforms. It is an epoch of continuous and intensive development of the national education system prioritizing public education as a task of national importance. During Alexander II’s reign, the government and teaching community collaborated to create a national pedagogical school capable of efficiently coping with diverse education-related problems. The article presents a retrospective view of a legal basis for public education. The article states that the analysis of ideas and views expressed in prerevolutionary scholars’, educators’, and statesmen’s works broadens our understanding of pubic education in Russia and our appreciation of national and universally human values, and enables us to better assess their implementation in Russian citizens’ education. The article characterizes military education reforms as an integral part of public education innovation. The results of the research can be used in courses of Russian history, history of pedagogy and education, theory and history of modernization.


Keywords: military education, historical period of the Great Reforms, history of pedagogy and education, educational modernization, educational legislation, educational reforms.



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