Popova A. D.

Law Enforcement Officers’ Memoirs as a Historical Source on Social History of the 1940s–1950s Р. 59-69.

UDC 930.2:94(47)«194/195»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.007

Abstract. The article analyzes law enforcement officers’ memoirs as a historical source on social history of the 1940s–1950s. The author analyzes three unpublished memoirs written by law enforcement officers and discovered by the author. The writers of the memoirs were Soviet law enforcement officers in the 1940s–1950s. These officers are D. M. Kurland (Odessa), T. A. Sivak (Ryazan), V. M. Bernikov (Kronshtadt). The author underlines that these sources have different structures, different representation of details. However, all of them reflect law enforcement officers’ experiences. The article shows that the memoirs contain several layers of information on social history of the Soviet Union in the 1940s–1950s. The writers of the memoirs focus  on the description of their fight against crime. The analysis of the three memoirs reveals a picture of post-war years in the Soviet Union, describes the level of crime, speaks about its causes and about some methods used by law enforcement bodies to prevent and investigate crime. D. M. Kurland’s memoirs enable a researcher  to critically assess myths widely spread in mass media. The author of the article maintains that the law enforcement officers’ memoirs contain valuable information on people’s everyday life, on law enforcement officers, on Soviet citizens’ leisure activities, on some of their social problems, such as scarcity of goods, for example. 


Keywords: memoirs, everyday life, Soviet law enforcement bodies, D. M. Kurland, T. A. Sivak, V. M. Bernikov.




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