Popova O. D.

The Transformation of Ecclesiastical Seminaries  against the Background of Educational Reforms of the Second Half of the 19th Century — Early 20th Century  through the Prism of Social Mobility P. 25-36.

UDC 281.93:377.5«18/19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.003

Abstract. The article analyzes the transformation of ecclesiastical seminaries against the background of Alexander II’s Great Reforms as a mechanism of social mobility. It investigates whether clergy children had opportunities to receive secular education. The Great Reforms witnessed a deterioration

of parish priests’ social status and an improvement in the social status and prestige of engineers, doctors, teachers and other representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. The analysis of charters of ecclesiastical seminaries shows that the government used different policies to influence the situation. Facing the scarcity of novice priests, the government employed suppression mechanisms to hinder the transition of clergy children to other social strata. The analysis of various reports and other documents enables the author to conclude that despite desperate attempts to hinder the transition of clergy children to other social strata, the government failed to persuade clergy children to study in seminaries. People from other social strata did not enter seminaries either. The enforcement of claustral rules resulted in students’ protests, which were embraced by revolutionary forces. In the early 20th century, seminarists demanded that they should be given more secular subjects and that they should be granted an opportunity to enter a university of their choice without entrance examinations. However, according to the research, seminarists’ social mobility was unfeasible without a complex solution of economic problems and the improvement of the social status of clergy.


Keywords: modernization, ecclesiastical seminaries, social mobility, protests, petitions, the Great Reforms, charters of ecclesiastical seminaries.



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