Popova O. D.

Cool Books as a Guide to Food and Nutrition during World War II           P. 55 -63.

UDC 94(47).084.8

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.006

Abstract. The article analyzes cook books of World War II. The author focuses on cook books published in Leningrad under siege, in Moscow, in Siberian cities. Cook books were a result of collaborative work of botanists, specialists of the All-Russian Research Institute and cooks. The analyzed memoirs show the peculiarities of everyday life, the peculiarities of food intake in wartime, the importance of cook books promoting wise eating in wartime. The analysis of the materials enables the author to conclude that new recipes solved many urgent problems, such as vitamin deficiency, wild plant consumption, plant gathering and foraging for the need of the front. Such cook books were especially important in Leningrad under siege. In rear regions, cook books instructed people to gather mushrooms, berries, fruit. The article shows that cook booksplayed an important role in public management. Cook books, which were meant for home use, were also used in canteens, in the army. Cooks books published in the late-war period show that people tried to reintroduce pre-war culinary practices, such as vegan sweets and ice-cream.


Keywords: cook books, nutrition, World War II, management, siege, hunger.


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