Potashova K. A., Sotnikova Ye. Yu.
The Principle of Visualization in A. Kulakovʼs “Poems on Holy Epiphany. To War” Р. 104 –111.
UDC 821.161.1-1.09«18
DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.76.3.011
Abstract. The aim of the research is to investigate the principles of creating a visually plausible image in battlefield poetry in the 1810s. The authors analyze A. Kulakovʼs “Poems on Holy Epiphany. To War” from “Collected Poems of 1812, a Memorable Year” in order to explore various poetic methods of creating visually plausible images of an enemy. To achieve the aim of the research, the article focuses on various poetic methods of creating visually plausible images of war used in poems related to the Patriotic War of 1812 and reflecting the worldview of Russian poets of the early 19th century. The authors use cultural-historical analysis in order to reconstruct the atmosphere pertaining to the creation of a battlefield image, structural and typological analysis in order to discover general poetic patterns typical of battlefield poetry of the early 19th century. The article proves that the visual images of Napoleon and his troops are created by means of a three-layer poetic pattern based on visualisation of the French emperor, his and his armyʼs conquests, his actions in Russia. The article shows that the majority of metaphors and images used in the “Poems on Holy Epiphany” to describe the French emperor and his army are animalistic. The analysis of the poems enables a researcher to better understand how people perceived the events of 1812 back then. The novelty of the research consists in an attempt to further investigate the importance of poetic visualization in Russian poetry of the late 18th — early 19th centuries.
Keywords: visualization, poetry, metaphor, image of an enemy, Napoleon, patriotism, “Collected Poems of 1812, a Memorable Year”.
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