Pyatkin S. N.

The possibility of “Pushkin trace” in S. A. Yesenin’s Persian Motifs. Pp. 59–69.

UDC 821.161.1-1.09″19″

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.006


Abstract. Pushkin’s vivid presence in Yesenin’s poetic world is a clear fact that has been studied for many years. In this respect, Yesenin’s later works have been explored more intensively. The present article focuses on the micro-plot of a traveler that unites the 7th and 8th poems of the series Persian Motifs (1924–1925), analyzed in the context of Pushkin’s final poem in Imitations of the Quran (“And the tired wayfarer reproached his God…”). The present study proves that both of the works belonging to the Russian oriental tradition contain different but still dialogically correlated artistic reflection of the Eastern world. This is mainly reflected in the difference between the destiny of Yesenin’s traveler and the destiny of Pushkin’s traveler, intended by S. A. Yesenin
as a dialog referring to the story of the 9th Imitation of the Quran. The idea of A. S. Pushkin’s parable is unconditional faith of man in the grace and the almighty power of the Creator. Yesenin’s micro-plot about the traveler is filled with the inspired idea of inherent worth of life and a person’s artistic attitude to it, our ability to experience and thankfully perceive the infusive force of earthly beauty. We do not state that Yesenin’s image of the traveler carries a message polemical to the plot of Pushkin’s parable. But it certainly points to the classic as
a possible source enriching the 20th-c. author’s worldview in the imagery of his poetic cycle. That contributes to Yesenin’s quest for, and discovery of an ingenious ideological and aesthetic solution to the oriental theme. Thanks to this, he added his unique poetic voice to the Russian oriental tradition.


Keywords: addressee, dialogical intention, micro-plot, an image of a traveler, oriental tradition, lyrical subject, Imitations of the Quran, parable, “Pushkin trace”.




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