Ryazanov S. M.

Activities of Russian police in fighting infectious diseases in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries (based on materials from the Urals) P. 26 –35.

UDC 378(47)(09)«18/19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.003


Abstract. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that, despite the huge interest in the police of the Russian Empire, recent historiographic studies mainly consider the range of law enforcement responsibilities. That is why a significant part of the police activities remains poorly studied, including those in the field of medicine and veterinary practices. The goal of the article is to consider the implementation of police measures to counter the spread of infectious diseases, using data for the Ural region. The subject of the article is police and medical measures taken against infectious diseases in the Vyatka, Orenburg, Perm and Ufa Provinces in 1862–1917. As a result of the study, it was discovered that the implementation of medical functions by police departments was regulated by numerous legislative acts and by-laws issued by both central authorities and local governments. Of primary importance in the activities of the police were monitoring the cleanliness of the streets and drawing up reports on persons who neglected the rules of preserving the environment. The system of medical and police measures focused on combating epidemics and epizootics. At the same time, analysis of the sources shows that police work aimed at ensuring compliance with medical regulations played a secondary role compared to law enforcement and firefighting measures and significantly burdened police departments. The results obtained can be used in teaching a course on the history of internal affairs bodies, veterinary work, medicine, as well as in research on Russian history on related topics.


Keywords: medical regulations, Vyatka Province, Orenburg Province, Perm Province, police officer, syphilis, Ufa Province, cholera, epidemic, epizootic.



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