Sokolov A.S.
The economic crisis of 1924–1925 and its impact on Soviet agrarian policy in the countryside. Pp. 29–35.
UDC 94(47).084.5
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.84.3.004
Abstract. The relevance of the research is due to the need for a comprehensive study of Russian peasantry in the period of the new economic policy (NEP). The paper looks into the causes and consequences of the economic crisis of 1924–1925 caused by low crop and failures of grain procurements. Particular attention is paid to the attitudes of the peasant population due to famine in certain areas. Our sources are based on previously published documents, periodicals, and archival documents characterizing the attitude of the village residents to the new government, in the conditions of the economic crisis. The article analyses the government’s measures aimed at combating the crisis and preventing an explosion of political discontent among the peasants. The adopted state assistance contributed to the growth of confidence of the peasantry in the Soviet government. It is noted that the source of industrial modernization, which began in the mid-1920s, was seizure of material resources from the peasants.
Keywords: agrarian policy, famine, peasants, low crops, public sentiment, grain procurement crisis.
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