Tikhomirov N. V.

Everyday life of Novosibirsk as reflected in newspaper reports (based on materials from the Soviet Siberia of 1924–1929). Pp. 38–47.

UDC 94(571.14).084.5

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.81.4.004


Abstract. The article examines everyday life in the city of Novosibirsk in 1924–1929, employing materials from newspaper reports of urban incidents. The sources are publications in the Soviet Siberia newspaper for the period specified. We analyze information about offenses committed in Novosibirsk
(Novonikolayevsk), as well as about court sessions concerning specific cases. The work is intended to fill the gaps that exist in Russian historiography, due to insufficient use of information from newspaper sources in the study of the history of Soviet everyday life. The research hypothesis confirms a high cognitive potential of mass periodicals in the early years of the USSR, as it employed rich factual material for describing various structures of everyday life of Soviet people. The paper examines incidents and court records and uses the historical-anthropological approach, which involves study of society in all the diversity of its manifestations. The focus is on information that allows us to determine the material and spiritual uniqueness of the life of the population of the Siberian capital, everyday consciousness of residents and the specifics of the functioning of social institutions. The heuristic value of the publications considered is due to precise documentation of their content, wide coverage of social and everyday issues characteristic of the historical situation in the time and reflecting the uniqueness of everyday life in the region. The results of the research expand objective evaluation of the Soviet mass press potential for source studies. It also defines the prospects of similar studies when applied to current research practices. The findings listed here deepen our knowledge of the history of the West Siberian region, develop the theory and practice of historical research of everyday life and microhistory.


Keywords: Soviet newspapers, history of everyday life, microhistory, Novosibirsk, crime, Siberian region.




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