Tobratov S. A., Zheleznova O. S.
Morphostructural factor of atmospheric and hydrological processes in landscapes of southwestern Meschera (on the example of the sloping plain near Polyany). Pp. 149–169.
UDC 551.4(470.313)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.017
Abstract. The paper presents a study of spatial intra landscape differences in hydrodynamics, hydrochemistry, aeroionic composition of surface air and the distribution of Chernobyl radiocesium in the topsoil of the southwest of the Meshchera Lowland. The specific activity of 137Cs was considered as an indicator of the configuration of air currents in the surface atmosphere and local conditions for the distribution of technogenic toxicants in general. The paper discusses the causes and geophysical prerequisites for isolation of landscape areas under the influence of positive and negative morphostructures based on elements of buried relief. It is established that, despite the chemical inertness of the Quaternary sand strata of Meshchera, the mineralization of surface waters is not equally low everywhere: in lakes that were formed in the near-summit parts of positive buried lithomorphostructures, due to increased water exchange, it is on average almost two times lower than in local depressions of the bedrock relief (19–22 mg/l versus 27–48 mg/l). The presence of mathematical patterns in the relative position of lake basins depending on morphostructural features is noted: on the convex slopes of buried remnants, relationships are realized based on the coefficient of the golden proportion in the first degree, and in the depressions of the bedrock relief — on the square of the golden proportion. We observed relatively increased concentrations of air ions in surface air masses and the optimal ratio of ions of positive and negative polarity on the slopes of local elevations, where the groundwater regime is optimal to ensure year-round vegetation of conifers — the main air ionizers. The specific activity of 137Cs in soils reflects the spatial pattern of its aerial migration in Southern Meshchera on April 30, 1986, which is determined by the morphology of the landscape cover (relief and woody vegetation): pre-Quaternary paleocuts, swampy woodlands, large plots and clearings served as channels for the main transfer and accumulation of radiocesium.
Keywords: atmospheric migration of toxicants, air ions, local anomalies of the gravitational field, landscape morphology, morphostructures, buried relief, relief of the Meshchera lowland, cesium-137, Chernobyl radioactive trace.
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