Tregubova M. S.

Shaping Masculine Identity in Military Education Institutions of Post-reform Russia (based on the memoirs of noblemen) P.37-45.

UDC 355.233.231:94(47).082

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2021.71.2.004

Abstract. The article analyzes memoirs of noblemen, graduates of cadet schools and military colleges to investigate the process of masculine identity shaping in military education institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia. The events of the Crimean war highlighted the necessity of military reforms in the Russian Army. Military education reforms constituted an essential part of the Great Reforms of the 1860s-1870s. It was crucial that military education reforms should not affect the major characteristic of an officer, i.e. an officer’s masculinity which was treated as a complex of physical, mental and moral traits and qualities. Military education was aimed at the shaping of masculine identity via extensive physical training, the development of courage and valour.  


Keywords: education, memoirs, noblemen, masculinity, manhood, military education institutions.


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