Tretyakova M. V.

“VEDI NAPOLI E POI MUORI”: the Description of Naples Fountains    in a Travel Essay by P. A. Tolstoy Р.7- 13/

UDC 712.5(450):821.161.1-312.6.09

The article analyzes the description of Naples fountains provided in a travel essay written by count P. A. Tolstoy, a statesman, a diplomat, a steward and a companion of Peter I, during his foreign tour in 1697–1699. P. A. Tolstoy spent in Naples late July and early June of 1698. He was impressed by the exquisite architecture and amazing fountains. However, P. A. Tolstoy’s meager descriptions make it impossible for the readers of his travel essay to guess what fountains are described. Nevertheless, reading P. A. Tolstoy’s travel essay, one cannot but admire the technical and aesthetic aspects of Naples fountains. According to P. A. Tolstoy, Naples has a significant number of fountains which adorn squares, streets, houses and gardens of the city. Fountains serve as a part of Naples architectural landscape and perform both aesthetic and utilitarian functions, providing the city and its citizens with fresh water. P. A. Tolstoy mostly describes Naples fountains as “entrancing”, “heavenly”, “ingenious”, and “pure”.

foreign tour; Naples; P. A. Tolstoy; travel essay; 1698; fountains



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