Trofimova N. V.
The Military Narration in “Mazurinsky Chronicle” P. 83 -93.
UDC 821.161.1-94.09«16»
DOI: 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.009
Abstract. The article examines the way military events are depicted in the little-studied patriarchal chronicles. The article analyzes various chronicle records, chronicle and non-chronicle military stories. It analyzes different tasks undertaken by chroniclers and literary traditions of the respective epochs. Isidor Snazin, the alleged author of the Mazurinsky Chronicler, borrowed texts from a large number of sources, often introducing minor alterations. Since the chronicler’s purpose was to depict the history of Russia as an Orthodox country patronized by divine forces, the military theme is reflected through various chronicle records. The military stories that the scribe cites are abbreviated versions of older texts, with omissions of military descriptions. The characters’ images are poorly represented, mainly through the events in which they participate. In fact, this manner makes the military narrative of the chronicle similar to that of ancient chronicles. Event-based stories contain miracles and visions that allow accentuating the motif of the Divine help granted to Russia. From a number of extra-chronicle stories, only a brief version of the “ale of the Destruction of Ryazan by Batu” is given, its composition clearly reflects the chronicler’s desire to record the facts, excluding extensive speeches, lamentations, prayers that are characteristic of the earlier versions. The texts rarely use military formulas, artistic means, biblical quotations and retrospective historical analogies, respectively, the author’s attitudes are implied.
Keywords: authorʼs idea, military formulas, Isidore Snazin, chronicle and extra-chronicle military stories, chronicle record.
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