Trofimova N. V.

The rulers of Ancient Rus in M. V. Lomonosov’s works  P. 87 –99.

UDC 821.161.1-1.09«17»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.82.1.009

Abstract. In the scientific and poetic works of M. V. Lomonosov, one of the central themes was the history of Russia, inextricably linked with the author’s reflections on modernity. Images of past rulers were necessary to understand this theme. They are present in Lomonosov’s historical and artistic works of various genres. The purpose of the present study is to explore the specifics of the image of Russian rulers of the past and the connection of their images with the author’s historical concepts.

In the Brief Russian Chronicle with Genealogy, the images of rulers, representing a continuous historical chain, are conveyed through their most important actions, revealed in the events of the corresponding eras, some of these actions were rather complex.

For artistic works of various genres (odes, eulogies, narrative poems, inscriptions, description of fireworks show), certain characters were selected that corresponded to Lomonosov’s thoughts about the importance of the ruler’s personalities for the well-being and development of Russia. They present the ideal qualities necessary for a ruler who should serve as a model for Lomonosov’s contemporary monarchs. The princes and kings depicted in his poetry care about the security, integrity and well-being of Russia, the correct structure of domestic life that is ensured by a strong government; endowed with military valor, bravery, courage, and wisdom. These images are drawn with metaphors, metonymies, and hyperboles constituting brief aphoristic characteristics.

A unique example of ekphrasis complements Lomonosov’s idea of ancient Russian rulers in the essay Ideas for Paintings from Russian History, which describes specific moments of the rulers’ lives in vivid, detailed verbal pictures that capture the same essential qualities that are presented in historical and poetic works. In general, the entire complex of works creates the ideal of an “vigorous” sovereign, whose embodiment Lomonosov found in Peter the Great and employed his image as a model to future rulers.


Keywords: Ideas for paintings from Russian history, A brief Russian chronicle with genealogy, M. V. Lomonosov, inscription, ode, poem Peter the Great, laudatory words.



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