Fedoseeva L. N., Loginov A. V.

Dialogue Functions and Dialogization Effects in Poetic Text  (based on the works of V. S. Vysotsky) P.137- 

UDC 821.161.1-1.09«19»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.80.3.014


Abstract. The authors investigate dialogue in a poetic text in its various forms: direct communicative contact (conversation) of characters (classical dialogue); a monologue directed at another character and not requiring an immediate response; a character’s dialogue with himself (internal dialogue). The dialogical form is rather more characteristic of prosaic texts, but it is also possible in verse forms, where it renders the possibility of conveying thoughts and emotions of the interlocutors, different opinions and points of view and also carries a certain ethical and moral input. The present paper specifies the functions of dialogue and  the effects of its use in a poetic text. The article focuses on implied effects of dialogization of speech, which form a deeper level and allow the author to achieve certain artistic goals. In such cases, there is no dialogue in the usual sense in the text. The material was poems by V. S. Vysotsky, where we can often see numerous examples of dialogues and dialogization of speech.

Keywords: dialogue functions, effects of dialogization, poetic text.




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