Fedoseeva T. V., Tseng Jia

Studies of Dostoevsky in Contemporary China: Main Trends in Methodology P. 102 –117.

UDC 821.161.1-3.09(510)

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2023.78.1.010

Abstract. The article focuses on 2000–2010s Chinese studies of F. M. Dostoevsky. The relevance of the topic is determined by the great importance attached to the image of Russia and to its perception in modern Chinese society. It is no coincidence that in China, Russian literature of the classical period remains the center

of research attention. According to the general opinion, it is directly consistent with the image of the Russian national character. In this respect, Dostoevsky’s works attract special attention. The article describes and systematizes a great amount of materials of current Chinese studies of Dostoevsky. This huge layer of research at different levels requires generalization and a new typology in terms of their methodological orientation, which the present study aims to provide. A state-of-the-art analysis enables us to state the fact that traditional approaches are often combined with new research trends. In the course of this review, it was established that the modern literary discourse in China is characterized by a combination of methods of comparative analysis and the philosophical and M. Bakhtin’s aesthetic concept, sociological criticism, and the religious-cultural approach. In each of the directions, the basic points of the study were formed, as well as certain interpretative assessments. We highlight the recurrent judgments and certain controversial points. New approaches to research are based on theoretical generalizations, mainly in the application of the polyphonic theory and the religious-culturological approach. Investigating this scientific discourse makes it possible to highlight the established interpretations of the problems in Dostoevsky’s novels, as well as to state insufficient depth of understanding of their value content in individual works. The latter deficiency is due to the difference in the mental nature of the two cultural traditions, Russian and Chinese. The results obtained are important for Chinese and Russian scholarship and will contribute to the development of Dostoevsky studies in China..


Keywords: Dostoevsky studies, China, 21st century, comparative study of literature, sociological criticism, M. M. Bakhtin’s polyphonic theory, religious and cultural orientation.



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