Filimonov S. V.
Parent Involvement Committees and their Efforts Aimed at the Promotion of Gymnasium Education in the Ryazan Province in the Early 20th Century P. 16 – 29.
UDC 37.07:371.2(470.313) (09)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.75.2.002
Abstract. The article treats the efforts undertaken by Parent Involvement Committees and aimed
at the promotion of gymnasium education in the Ryazan Province in 1905-1918. The article focuses on various stages, functions and directions of their work. Special attention is given to the role of Parent Involvement Committees in the stabilization of the situation in gymnasiums during the revolution. The article describes the role of the Parent Involvement Committees in the promotion of students’ rights, on ensuring effective teacher-student communication, on solving critical issues, on providing assistance to students in need. The author concludes that informal participation of Parent Involvement Committees played an important role in the development of humanitarian education in the Ryazan Province.
Keywords: Gymnasium, committee, parents, Ryazan Province, Assembly.
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