Chervonenko S. M.
Features of terminological word combinations with the lexeme point in industrial branches of science (terms from theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials). Pp. 85–91.
UDC 811.161.1´276.6
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.84.3.010
Abstract. The paper deals with structural and semantic features of terminological word combinations in such scientific fields as theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials on the example of the terminological nest of the lexeme point. We singled out the main syntactic models of terminological combinations, to study the internal relations between their members. The syntactic analysis of a number of widely used terminological combinations with the lexeme point, which are found in the scientific fields of theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials, is carried out to reveal the topic. The relations between the members within the terminological units are considered. The research was carried out on the basis of sampling of material from methodological resources on these disciplines for university student (first and second years of training). The main methods for conducting the work were: selection and generalization of materials, semantic, structural, grammatical and syntactic analysis, descriptive and comparative methods.
Keywords: concept, term, word combination, resistance of materials, theoretical mechanics, point, syntactic connection, structure.
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