Zhang Wei
Lexical and Grammatical Development of Borrowed Slangisms P. 122 -131.
UDC 811.161.1´276.2
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2022.77.4.013
Abstract. This article treats the issue of the preponderant use of Anglicisms in the Russian language, especially in the Russian youth slang. The significance of the research is accounted for by the fact that the process of lexical and grammatical development of borrowed slangisms is largely understudied. The rapidity with which slang develops and transforms, which can be explained by the fact that slang is mostly used by young people, accounts for the complexity of the issue. The purpose of this article is to investigate howcontemporary English slang is borrowed by the Russian language. The relevance of the research is accounted for by the fact that youth sociolects are subject to changes and develop together with the development of the language. Moreover, youth slang is highly influenced by English, as a global language. The article shows that the process of borrowing is dynamic and some borrowed words undergo grammatical assimilation while other words are blocked from doing so. The article highlights that verbal elements rarely fail to undergo grammatical assimilation permitting them to form constructions, while nouns, adjective and adverbs are sometimes blocked from doing so. The author concludes that the process of borrowing is highly intense and that word-formation models that are used nowadays are the same as the ones that were used in the past (the attachment of a Russian suffix to a foreign base and the attachment of a foreign suffix to a Russian base).
Keywords: Russian language, youth slang, Anglicisms, the development of borrowings, speech patterns.
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