Shumakov M. D.

The campaign of Voroshilov’s troops in Tsaritsyn in 1918. Pp. 7–16.

UDC 94(47).084.3

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2024.83.2.001


Abstract. The article examines the march of troops under the command of K. Ye. Voroshilov from Donbass to Tsaritsyn in 1918. As a result of this campaign and further in the defense of Tsaritsyn, Voroshilov moved to the forefront of the military and political elite of the RSFSR, therefore the study of the campaign is relevant for a more accurate understanding of the history of Russia in the 20th century. During the study, the reasons for the advance of the detachments specifically to Tsaritsyn and the main stages of the campaign were analyzed. Attention is paid to the status of Voroshilov’s detachments — their transition from the state of Ukrainian partisans to the position of defenders of Tsaritsyn, later organized into the 10th Red Army. The organizational and psychological aspects of this change are outlined. It analyzes the number of troops in Voroshilov’s group and the troop trains they used. The cause of the explosion of the bridge across the Don is considered, which complicated the position of Voroshilov’s group. The novelty of the work is primarily due to its reliance on unpublished sources contained in Voroshilov’s personal fund in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History: telegrams and orders of military and civil departments, as well as published and previously unknown memoirs of participants in Voroshilov’s campaign.


Keywords: 1918, I. V. Stalin, K. E. Voroshilov, Voroshilov’s campaign, creation of the 10th Army, S. K. Minin, North Caucasian Military District, Tsaritsyn.




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