Erlikhson I. M.
The Social and Psychological Portrait of a Modern Woman (Reviewing the bookby Krelenko N. S., Chernova L. N., Kostina A. K. Takie raznye… Sud’by anglijskih intellektualok Novogo vremeni [So Different… The Fates of Modern English Women Intellectuals]. Moscow, Dmitry Pozharsky University Publ., 2018, 352 p.) P.142 –150.
The present book review analyzes the collective monograph authored by N. S. Krelenko, L. N. Chernova, and A. K. Kostina. The reviewed monograph systematizes and assesses history of self-awareness in women at the example of modern English women intellectuals.
England; modernity; gender history; intellectual history
UDC 94(410.1)«16»(048)
DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.68.3.015
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