2010-№2(27) Our authors
Vasilyev Vladimir Lvovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management at Elabuzhskiy Branch of Kazan State Technical University named for A.N. Tupolev.
Research interests: state innovation policy.
Contact information: Phone No. (85557) 51-5-16, (85557) 94-0-04, 8-917-874-97-34; e-mail: vasvladlev@mail.ru
Ganiev Ildar Makhmutovich – Postgraduate of the Department of Economics and Management at Elabuzhskiy Branch of Kazan State Technical University named for A.N. Tupolev.
Research interests: state innovation policy.
Contact information: Phone No. (85557) 51-5-16, 8-917-279-49-19; e-mail: imganiev@mail.ru
Golodov Alexander Georgiyevitsch – Doctor of Philology, Member of Academy UIA (Ukraine), professor of Germanic languages department at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin..
Research interests: colloquial German language, terminology, national cultural peculiarities.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 46-31-72, Mob. No. 8-964-157-81-41; email: a.golodoff@mail.ru
Guzhvenko Elena Ivanovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov
Research interests: mathematics, computer science, IТ education, the module rating system.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 20-94-76, (4912) 76-44-32, 8-920-975-00-60; e-mail: Elena_guj@list.ru
Zeltser Igor Arkadyevich – Head of Analytical Research Bureau at JSC Ryazan Metal Ceramics Instrumentation Plant.
Research interests: electronic spectroscopy, X-ray structural analysis.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 44-73-12; (4912) 44-43-09; e-mail: zeltseria@rmсip.ru
Elistratova Natalya Nikolaevna – Candidate of Pedagogics, Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov.
Research interests: methods and means of higher education informatization.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 96-39-51, 8-920-975-14-99; e-mail: enn-bkn@yandex.ru
Kashbieva Rezeda Rafailevna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Management at Elabuzhskiy Branch of Kazan State Technical University named for A.N. Tupolev.
Research interests: regional cluster formation.
Contact information: Phone No. (85557) 51-5-16, (85557) 75-2-64, 8-927-485-93-03; e-mail: kashbieva.rezeda@mail.ru
Klyshevich Maria Aleksandrovna – Postgraduate of the Department of World History and International Relations at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: German-Soviet relations in the 1920s.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 21-57-17, (4912) 90-55-67, 8-920-635-22-04; e-mail: klyshevichm@mail.ru
Kobeleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna – Candidate of Philology, Professor in the Department of English and World Literature at Troy University (36082 University Ave., Troy, AL, USA).
Research interests: Literary Criticism in 19th century England, British Roman-ticism.
Contact information: Phone No. (334) 670-33-11, (334) 670-47-61; e-mail: ekobeleva@troy.edu
Lazarev Jury Vasilevich – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, associate professor of journalism department at Ryazan state university named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: pedagogical journalism, publicism, methods of teaching literature.
Contact information: Phone No. 8-920-971-00-50; e-mail: jurnalist.rgu@gmail.com
Moos Evgenyi Nikolayevich – Doctor of Technics, Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: electronic spectroscopy, X-ray structural analysis.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 28-05-28; (4912) 92-20-39; e-mail: e_moos@mail.ru
Puzankov Sergey Aleksandrovich – Teaching Assistant in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov.
Research interests: teaching computer science, the module rating system.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 20-94-76, 8-920-975-00-60; e-mail: psergey75@mail.ryazan.ru
Sokolova Regina Alguimanto – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: M.M. Prishvin and his works, 20th century literature.
Contact information: Phone No. 26-63-07, 8-910-564-03-15; e-mail : r.sokolova@rsu.edu.ru
Tumakov Nikolay Nikolaevich – Assistant Professor in the Department of Armament at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov.
Research interests: history of the Caucasus.
Contact information: Phone No. 8-920-975-00-60, e-mail: Elena_guj@list.ru
Usachov Yury Vladimirovich – Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov.
Research interests: differential equation theory, teaching of mathematics, the module rating system.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 20-94-89, 8-906-548-59-36, 8-920-962-19-10; e-mail: shipjakov@rambler.ru
Shmeleva Olga Ivanovna – Candidate of History, Doctoral Candidate of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Research interests: international relations in the second half of the 19th century, history of the Balkans.
Contact information: Phone No. 8-960-573-68-74.
Fedorov Aleksandr Ivanovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F.Margelov
Research interests: modeling people’s actions.
Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 20-94-76, 8-910-568-58-56.