2011-№1(30) Article 6
A.I. Minayev
British internal political experience and the development of Russian statehood in the second half of the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century. р.62-78
UDC 9(44)
The article analyzes one of the external factors of the evolution of Russian absolutism. In Russia the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century witnessed an obvious interest to the political system of Great Britain, which was caused by the necessity to modernize the legal basis for absolute monarchy and to adopt the European standard. The development of Russian statehood was based on many intra- and inter-political factors. Following the path of British parliamentarism though not blindly coping it was the key to creating a new monarchy.
Great Britain, Russia, parliamentarism, absolute monarchy, constitution, diplomatic mission, separation of powers.
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