2011-№2(31) Our authors

Antonova Julia Gennadievna – Teaching Assistant in the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of History and International Affairs at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: creativity pedagogics.

Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 28-04-45, (4912) 34-40-89, 8-910-900-07-04; е-mail: yu.antonova@rsu.edu.ru, antonovyryazan@mail.ru.

Vlaskin Alexander Petrovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Classical Literature at Magnitogorsk State University.

Research interests: Russian literature of the 18th -20th centuries, literary theory, culturology, classical philosophy.

Contact information: Phone No. 8-912-795-84-03; e-mail: vlaskin@mgn.ru

Vodorezov Aleksey Vladimirovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.

Research interests: ecological geomorphology, landscape science, biogeography.

Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 28-19-36, 8-910-507-91-65, e-mail: a.vodorezov@mail.ru

Kiselyov Kirill Aleksandrovich – Doctor of History, Associate Professor in the Department of Modern and Contemporary History at Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Research interests: Sudan and Egypt in the 19th-20th centuries.

Contact information: Phone No. (495) 438-18-20, (495) 571-11-53, 8-925-502-62-95; e-mail: vm102@yandex.ru

Komarov Mikhail Mikhailovich – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Teaching Assistant in the Department of Physical Geography.

Research interests – regional geomorphology.

Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) (4912)281936; e-mail : komarovmm@mail.ru

Konenkov Nikolai Vitalievich – Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor in the Department of Experimental Physics at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.

Research interests: – charged particle optics.

Contact information: Phone No. +7 (4912) 46-07-08 ext. 2233, +7 (4912) 98-09-85; e-mail: n.konenkov@rsu.edu.ru

Krivtsov Vyacheslav Andreevich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor in the Department of Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology, Dean of the Faculty of Geography at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: regional geomorphology, physical geograpgy.

Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 28-19-36; e-mail : v.krivtsov@rsu.edu.ru.

Labutina Tatyana Leonidovna – Doctor of History, Professor at the Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: political history of England of the 17th-18th centuries, gender history, imaginology, the European Enlightenment, English-Russian relations in the 16th-18th centuries.

Contact information: Phone No. 8-916-149-97-85; E-mail: tlabutina2007@yandex.ru

Mahmudov Marat Nailyevich – Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics and Physics Teaching Methodology, Head of the Teaching Quality Monitoring Center at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.

Research interests: quadruple mass-spectrometry, distance education.

Contact information: Phone No. +7 (4912) 21-80-64, +7 (4912) 40-07-73, +7 (920) 637-51-30; e-mail: m.mahmudov@rsu.edu.ru.

Miroshnikova Zinaida Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of the Russian language, Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Methodology at Saratov State Technical University.

Research interests: word formation, semantics, cognitive linguistics.

Contact information: e-mail: miroshnikova.z@gmail.com

Naumkin Aleksandr Vasilyevich – Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Senior Research Associate in the Laboratory of Polymer Materials Structure Investigations at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds named for A.N. Nesmeyanov, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research interests: electron spectroscopy surface analysis.

Contact information: Phone No. (499) 135-92-17; e-mail: naumkin@ineos.ru

Podgorsky Aleksandr Vasilyevich – Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of Russian Classical Literature at Magnirtogorsk State University.

Research interests: English literature of the 17th-18th centuries.

Contact information: Phone No. 8-963-097-11-30; e-mail: podgorsky_s@mail.ru

Rumin Sergey Gennadyevich – Candidate of Philosophy, Leading Bibliographer of the Technical Literature Department at Ryazan Regional Universal Library named for M.Gorky.

Research interests: I.A.Ilyin’s philosophical works.

Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 25-31-70, (4912) 25-02-96, 8-903-838-89-23; e-mail: ryumins@yandex.ru.

Strashnov Yuriy Vladislavovich – Head of the Department of Telecommunications at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.

Research interests: quadrupole mass-spectrometry.

Contact information: Phone No. +7 (4912) 46-07-08 ext. 2188, +7 (4912) 21-07-85, +7 (953) 742-15-50; e-mail: j.strashnov.rsu.edu.ru.

Shandra Anton Vladimirovich – Candidate of History in the Department of World History at Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named for A.P.Gaydar.

Science interest: Middle East policy of the great powers in the 20th century.

Contact information: Phone No. 8(83147) 3-31-64, 8-904-058-70-90; e-mail: shandra83@rambler.ru;

Shipyakova Alla Alexandrovna – Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named for Army General V.F. Margelov.

Research interests: the reflective approach to educational process organization.

Contact information: Phone No. (4912) 20-94-76, (4912) 90-24-51, 8-920-962-19-10; e-mail: shipjakov@rambler.ru

