2011-№2(31) Article 13
N.V. Konenkov, Yu.V. Strashnov, M.N. Mahmudov
Parametric resonance excitation of ion oscillations in quadrupole RF field. p.136-151
UDC 53
The paper presents a review of researches dealing with ion-optical properties of ion motion in quadrupole electrical RF fields. It provides a detailed analysis of working stability region and ion motion equations. It dwells on the acceptance of the QMF, which predetermines admissible initial ion positions and velocities. It also provides a frequency spectrum of ion oscillations. The paper treats the role of periodic ion oscillations frequencies near the tip and provides the results of recent studies of parametric resonance excitation of ion oscillations. The article also deals with methods for the formation of islands of stability: (i) the use of additional RF voltage, (ii) an amplitude voltage modulation and (iii) the phase or frequency RF voltage modulation. The paper provides experimental data illustrating the operation in the islands of stability.
quadrupole mass-filter (QMF), Mathieu equation, stability zones, stability region, stability parameter, acceptance, transmission curves, entrance fringing fields, parametric resonance, instability bands, stability islands, peak shape, mass spectrum, resolution power.
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