2011-№3(32) Article 9
A.V. Petrov
«Сreation myth» in metaphysical and physico-theological Russian poems of the late 18th – early 19th century. p. 110-131
UDC 882
The paper treats «cosmogonical» poems of four Russian 18th–19th century poets (Bobrov, Radischev, Slovtsov, Shirinsky-Shikhmatov). The analyzed poems, the poetic imagery of which is based on archaic myths, biblical cosmogony, historiosophy and natural scientific knowledge, contain the following types of «metaphysical pathos»: pathos of eternity, pathos of transfiguration, incomprehensible pathos, reviving pathos, salvation pathos.
a creation myth, historiosophy, pre-romantic metaphysical poetry, 18th century physico-theological poetry, metaphysical pathos, pre-romanticism.
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