2011-№4(33) Article 12

V.A. Uskov, A.V. Vodorezov

The organization of geological and geomorphological monitoring in the state museum-estate «Аrkhangelsk», based on natural-economic zoning. p. 124-143

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UDC 551.43


The article is devoted to the problems of the organization of geological and geomorphological monitoring in the valuable historical areas (for example, the State Museum Estate «Arkhangelsk»). In the course of the study were examined geomorphological structure, human-induced morphogenesis, exposure to the rest of the lithogenic base within the boundaries of the Museum-Estate, suggested that natural and economic zoning of the territory for the purposes of the organization of geological and geomorphological monitoring.


natural and economic zoning, natural and economic system, the Museum-Estate «Arkhangelsk», geomorphological structure, geological and geomorphological monitoring, humaninduced morphogenesis.



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