2012-№1(34) Article 9
O.G. Radkova, M.V. Strelets
Daniel Еphimovich Melamid (Melnikov) and his place in the study of history. p. 86-98
UDC 63(205)
The paper centers on Daniel Ephimovich Melamid’s contribution to the study of history. The analysis of Melamid’s works on the history of fascism and international relations shows that the Doctor of History, who worked under the pseudonym of Melnikov, was one of the greatest histoRyans of his time.
war, Germany, Hitlerism, Nazism, policy, crime, fascism.
1. Mel’nikov, D.E. Bor’ba za edinuju, nezavisimuju, demokraticheskuju, miroljubivuju Germaniju [The struggle for a united, independent, democratic and peace-loving Germany]. Moscow, Politizdat Publ., 1951, 295 p.
2. Mel’nikov, D.E. Dvulikij admiral. Glavar’ fashistskoj razvedki Kanaris
i ego hozjaeva [Two-faced admiral. The leader of Nazi intelligence Canaris and his masters]. Moscow, Politizdat Publ., 1965, 127 p.
3. Mel’nikov, D.E. Zagovor 20 ijulja 1944 g. v Germanii [Conspiracy July 20, 1944 in Germany]. 2nd ed., Moscow, International relations, 1965, 299 p.
4. Mel’nikov, D.E. Imperija smerti: apparat nasilija v nacistskoj Germanii. 1933–1945 [The Empire of Death: an apparatus of violence in Nazi Germany]. 2nd ed., Moscow, Politizdat Publ., 1988, 414 p.
5. Mel’nikov, D.E. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija v Zapadnoj Evrope [International relations in Western Europe]. Moscow, International relations, 1974, 304 p.
6. Mel’nikov, D.E. Prestupnik nomer 1. Nacistskij rezhim i ego fjurer [Culprit No. 1. The Nazi regime and its Führer]. 3rd ed., Moscow, News Publ., 1991, 464 p.
7. Mel’nikov, D.E., Galkin, A.A. SSSR, zapadnye derzhavy i germanskij vopros (1945–1965) [The Soviet Union, the Western powers and the German question (1945-1965)]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1966, 263 p.