2012-№2(35) Article 3

A.I. Ildyaev, A.M. Shuytsev, I.A. Toroptsev

The role of creative construction sets in students’ professional competences formation. р. 19–26

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UDC 53


The article treats the issue of students’ professional competences formation through the use of creative construction sets.


competence, research task, construction task, experimental guideline, servomechanism, working tool.



1. Razumovskij, V.G. Razvitie tvorcheskih sposobnostej uchashhihsja [The development of creative abilities of students]. Moscow, Prosveshhenie Publ., 1975, 272 p.

2. Federal’nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel’nyj standart vysshego professional’nogo obrazovanija po napravleniju podgotovki “Tehnicheskaja fizika” [Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training “Technical Physics”]. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2011, 26 p.
