2012-№3(36) Article 4

N.A. Blokhina

Peter Strawson on Kantian theory of analytic metaphysics. p. 37–48

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UDC 1(03)


The paper analyzes two latest articles by Peter Strawson, a British philosopher (1919–2006), and shows that he, being true to his theory of descriptive metaphysics, believed I.Kant to be the forerunner of analytical metaphysics due to the latter’s work on conceptual tools and, we may add, methodology.


Analytical philosophy, descriptive metaphysics, metaphysical and empirical realism, conceptual schemes.



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12. Strawson, P.F. Sensibility, understanding and synthesis// Kant’s Transcedental Deductions/ ed. by E. Forster. – Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989.

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