2013-№1(38) Article 13
M.V. Kazakova, E.S. Kaptyushina, Suslova A.A., O.L. Yagmur
The Erlino park arboretum in the Ryazan region. р. 117-133.
UDC 63
The paper analyzes the present condition of the Park Arboretum in the village of Erlino in the Korablino District of the Ryazan Region. The Erlino Park Arboretum is a unique natural object of high cultural and historical significance. The paper describes the tree and shrub species composition and the quantity of trees and shrubs on 33 sites. The paper presents diagrammatic maps of three sites and provides suggestions on how to reconstruct the vegetation of the park.
Ryazan Region, S.N.Khudekov’s estate, park arboretum, indigenous tree and shrub species, alien tree and shrub species
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