2013-№3(40) Article 1
Yu.V. Lazarev
The reflection of Khrushchev’s thaw in literature: studying A.I. Solzhenitsyn at school. p 5-17.
UDC 372.882
The author of the article maintains that in the 1960s A.I.Solzhenitsyn’s works were already treated as a part of the school curriculum. The author characterizes educational policy of the period, focusing on the methodology of teaching literature. The article analyzes literary discussions published by magazines, literary journals and newspapers of the period. The author treats some new material which allows one to get new data on teaching literature at schools.
Solzhenitsyn A.I., history of literary education, pedagogical publicistic articles.
1. Bessonov L.P. O shkol’nyh programmah po literature [About school programs in literature]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at the school, 1957, no. 3, pp. 81-83.
2. Blagoj D. Gotovit’ chitatelja… i tol’ko? [Prepare the reader only…?]. D. Blagoj, L. Timofeev, V. Golubkov. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1963, 15 Jan.
3. Brazhnik, N. Neskol’ko vozrazhenij [Several objections]. Voprosy literatury-Issues of literature, 1959, no.2, pp. 90-92
4. Brazhnik N.I. Otkliki na stat’ju N.S. Hrushhjova «Za tesnuju svjaz’ literatury i iskusstva s zhizn’ju naroda» [The response to the article, NS Khrushchev’s “For the close relationship of literature and art and life of the people”]. N.I. Brazhnik, S.A. Gurevich, G.I. Belen’kij, Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1957, no. 6, pp. 39-46.
5. Brazhnik N.I. Neskol’ko zamechanij po programme po literature [Some remarks on the program for Literature]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1957, no. 3, p. 84.
6. Brovman G. Nazrevshij vopros [ Urgent question]. Voprosy literatury-Issues of literature, 1958, no. 9, pp. 182-183.
7. Bugajko T.F. Glazami uchenikov [ Through the eyes of students]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1956, no. 2, pp.22-27.
8. Vojtinskaja O. Vospitanie ili didaktika? [ Upbringing or didactics?]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1955, 29 Nov.
9. Golubkov V.V. Ob usovershenstvovanii programm po literaturnomu chteniju i literature v srednej shkole [ On the improvement of programs on literary reading and literature in high school]. V.V. Golubkov, P.G. Vorob’ev, N.V. Kolokol’cev, Literatura v shkole.- Literature at school, 1957, no. 4, pp.63-67.
10. Gol’denberg I.Z. O prepodavanii literatury v shkole [On teaching literature at school ]. Novosibirsk, 1966, 54 p.
11. Goncharov N. Ne prosmotret’ by Lomonosovyh [Don’t neglect the Lomonosovs]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 11 Dec.
12. Gricenko V. Soveshhanie po voprosam prepodavanija literatury v srednej shkole [The meeting on teaching of literature in high school]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1956, no. 1, pp. 90-93.
13. Grishhenko V.N. Obsuzhdenie programmy po literature v Institute metodov obuchenija APN [ Discussion of the program for Literature at the Institute teaching methods APN]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at the school, 1957, no. 3, pp. 59-65.
14. Gurevich S.A. O vsestoronnej podgotovke slovesnika [On the comprehensive preparation of a philologist]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at the school, 1956, no. 3, pp. 3-11.
15. Do konca preodolet’ posledstvija kul’ta lichnosti v prepodavanii literatury [To overcome completely the consequences of the cult of personality in the teaching of literature]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1956, no. 5, pp. 3-8.
16. Dolinina N. A kakova cel’? [ What is the purpose?]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 22 Nov.
17. Za partijnost’ v prepodavanii literatury [For the Party principle in the teaching of literature]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at the school, 1957, no. 6, pp. 3-7.
18. Zametki o programme po literature [ Notes about the program for Literature]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1957, no. 3, pp. 66-71.
19. K.L. V Institute metodov obuchenija Akademii pedagogicheskih nauk RSFSR [ At the Institute of of teaching methods Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at the school, 1957, no. 6, pp. 90-92.
20. Kabo L. Vdohnovenie ili vyuchka [ Inspiration or training]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 20 Dec.
21. Karetnikov M.S. K resheniju problemy jesteticheskogo vospitanija uchashhihsja na urokah literatury [To solve the problem of aesthetic education of students in literature classes]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1956, no. 1, pp. 94-95.
22. Klenickaja I. Put’ k umu i serdcu [Way to the mind and heart]. Izvestija – The News, 1960, 30 May.
23. Kovaleva L. Nuzhen li uchebnik? [ Is a textbook necessary? ]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 29 Nov.
24. Kovaleva L. Shablony vsegda vperedi progressa [ Patterns are always ahead of progress]. Uchitel’skaja gazeta. – Teacher newspaper, 1960, 13 Sep.
25. Kuznecova R.M. Pjatnadcatiletnij chelovek izuchaet literaturu [A fifteen-year-old person studies literature]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1956, no. 1, pp. 95-96.
26. Lazarev Ju.V. Izuchenie A.I. Solzhenicyna v shkole v kontekste problem sovremennogo literaturnogo obrazovanija (po materialam polemiki v SMI) [The study of Solzhenitsyn in the school in the context of the problems of modern literary education (based on debate in the media)]. Vestnik Ryazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina-Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named after SA Esenin, 2011, no. 3/32, pp.35-48.
27. Litvinov V.V. Zametki uchitelja [ Teacher’s notes]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1956, no. 2, pp. 43-45.
28. Nesturh Ja.G. Metodiku prepodavanija literatury na uroven’ vysokih trebovanij vremeni [ Methods of teaching literature in high-level requirements of the times]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1959, no. 1, pp. 67-69.
29. Nikren M. O programmah po literature [ On the programs for Literature]. Literatura v shkole.- Literature at school, 1957, no. 4, pp. 67-69.
30. Ob osnovnyh principah postroenija kursa literatury v srednej shkole (kratkoe izlozhenie doklada N.I. Kudrjasheva, prochitannogo v Institute metodov obuchenija Akademii pedagogicheskih nauk RSFSR 12 fevralja 1957 goda) [ On the basic principles of building a literature course in high school ( a summary of the report by N.I. Kudryasheva, read at the Institute of teaching methods of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR 12 Feb, 1957)]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1957, no. 2, pp. 52-59.
31. Platonov I. O nauchnosti prepodavanija literatury [On the scientific teaching of literature]. Voprosy literatury-Issues of literature, 1959, no.3, pp. 67-69.
32. Podnjat’ uroven’ metodicheskoj raboty [To raise the level of methodical work]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1956, no. 1, pp. 3-8.
33. Ponomarev E.R. Metodika ottepeli [ The thaw technique ]. Neva – Neva, 2010, no. 11. Available at: http://magazines.russ.ru/neva/2010/11/po10.html (accessed 25 May 2013)
34. Prepodavanie literatury v shkole na uroven’ novyh zadach [The teaching of literature in the school on the new challenges]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at the school, 1956, no. 2, pp. 3-6.
35. Prepodavanie literatury – tvorchestvo. Rech’ A.T. Tvardovskogo na Vserossijskom s”ezde uchitelej [ Teaching literature is art. The speech of A.T. Twardowski at the All-Russian Congress of Teachers]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1960, 9 June.
36. Proekty novoj programmy [ Projects of the New program]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1965, no. 2, pp. 27-39.
37. Romanovskij A.P. Nekotorye voprosy izuchenija russkogo jazyka i literatury v politehnicheskoj shkole [ Some Aspects of studying Russian language and literature at the Polytechnic School]. Literatura v shkole.-Literature at school, 1957, no. 3, pp. 72-76.
38. Rotkovich Ja.A. Istorija prepodavanija literatury v sovetskoj shkole [ The history of teaching of literature in the Soviet school], tutorial. Moscow, Prosveshhenie-Education, 1976, 336 p.
39. Rotkovich Ja.A. Ocherki po istorii prepodavanija literatury v sovetskoj shkole [Essays on the history of the teaching of literature in the Soviet school], Teachers school-book. Moscow, Prosveshhenie-Education, 1965, 361 p.
40. Rubajlo A. Shkola chuvstv i myslej [School of feelings and thoughts]. Izvestija – The News, 1960, 15 May.
41. Rybak L. Baba-jaga i urok slovesnosti [ Baba-Yaga and the lesson of literature]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 17 Nov.
42. Sarnov B. Ravnosil’no utrate schast’ja [ Equal to the loss of happiness]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1960, 1 Oct.
43. Snezhnevskaja M.A O kurse literatury VIII klassa [ On the course of literature of the VIII grade]. Literatura v shkole-Literature at school, 1957, no. 3, pp. 76-80.
44. Teplinskij M. Shablony i tvorchestvo [Patterns and creativity]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1955, 2 Aug.
45. Titov S.P. Esli ne ljubit’… [ If do not love… ]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 20 Oct.
46. Titov S.P. Uchitel’, uchenik, uchebnik… [Teacher, student, textbook… ]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1963, 16 Feb.
47. Toporov A.M. Otkrytoe pis’mo pravleniju Sojuza pisatelej SSSR [ An open letter to the governance of the USSR Writers Union], A.M. Toporov, S.P. Titov, R.D. Brusnikina, S.A. Gurevich, T.S. Panfilova, T.A. Rukavishnikova, Je.G. Kostjashkin. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 1 Dec.
48. Turbin V. Ne skol’ko, a zachem [Not how much but why]. Izvestija – The News, 1960, 8 June.
49. Chukovskij K. Eshhe o Babe-jage [More about Baba-Yaga]. Literaturnaja gazeta – Literary journal, 1962, 8 Dec.
50. Shil’nikova M.A. Blizhajshie zadachi prepodavanija literatury [ The immediate objectives of teaching literature]. Literatura v shkole. -Literature at school, 1957, no. 1, pp. 3-10.
51. Shil’nikova M.A. O nekotoryh ser’eznyh nedostatkah prepodavanija literatury v shkole [On some serious shortcomings of teaching literature at school]. Literatura v shkole. -Literature at school, 1956, no. 1, pp. 29-39.