2013-№3(40) Article 12

S.N. Motorin

Life in a prison camp in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s play «the Republic of labor». p. 119-128.

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The article treats A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s drama works and briefly reviews the writer’s dramatic heritage («The Feast of Victors», «Prisoners», «The Republic of Labor», «Tanks Know the Truth», «The Light Which is in Thee», «The Parasite»). The article centers on the play “The Republic of Labor”. The author analyzes social and philosophical problems raised in the play, its literary characteristics, its architectonics, its system of characters, etc. to comprehensively understand major tendencies of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s literary style. The article closely analyzes the dramatic descriptions of the inner world of a person whose life is unsettled.


dramaturgy, play, drama, comedy, tragedy, character, hero, artistic image, remark, action, plot, conflict, cue, scene, motive, monologue, dialogue, miseen-scène, life, landscape, interior, portrait, prison camp, prisoner, fear, abuse, labor, absurdity.



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