2013-№3(40) Article 7

R. Tempest

War palimpsest: Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s literary interpretation of marshal Georgy Zhukov’s image. p. 67-76.

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UDC 82-32


The paper analyzes Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s literary interpretation of Marshal Georgy Zhukov’s image in the story «At the Edge». The author maintains that A. Solzhenitsyn’s work, which relies on Marshal Zhukov’s «Reminiscences and Reflections», is devoid of mythicizing and adopts a realistic and charismatic view of war. The author provides a comparative analysis of Solzhenitsyn’s description of the meeting of Zhukov and Tukhachevsky and D. Davydov’s account of Napoleon which can be found in «The Materials for Modern Military History». The author maintains that Zhukov, who is considered by A.Solzhenitsyn to be a protagonist of Stalin, is depicted by the writer as a person devoid of both historical and moral autonomy. The author compares A. Solzhenitsyn’s story «At the Edge» and J. Brodsky’s poem «On the Death of Zhukov» as two complementary interpretations of the Marshal’s personality.


Solzhenitsyn, «At the Edge», personality, masculinity, realism, military history.



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