2013-№4(41) Article 14
A.V. Vodorezov, N.V. Vodorezova, M.M. Komarov, M.A. Kubenina, S.I. Shishov
Features of dangerous relief-forming processes in the middle basin of the Oka river (on the example of settlement old Ryazan according to the monitoring. p. 143-164.
UDC 551.438; 551,435
The article presents the results of a continuous monitoring of relief-forming processes at the site of the old capital named Staraya Ryazan (the monitoring period covers 1998–2013). The article analyzes the regularity and the rate of ravine and slide formation destroying anthropogenic forms of relief (banks, ditches, and moats). The authors maintain that intense slide formation is the result of climate change. The article proves that in some cases slides are triggered off by the activity of beavers who, build dams in the local ravines. The authors believe that the remnant interfluvial surfaces might have been shaped by relief-forming processes. This may help to reconstruct the former configuration of the settlement and explain the appearance of ravines within the boundaries of the settlement. The paper provides photographic materials obtained during the 15 years of work. The conclusions are based on the analysis of field materials obtained during expeditions to more than 100 former settlements in the Ryazan Region.
geomorphologic monitoring, former settlement, slides, ecology and geomorphology
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