2014-№4(45) Our authors

Arhipova Elena Victorovna – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor in the Depar-tment of Russian Language and Russian Language Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin, Head of Linguistic Didactics and Innovative Technologies Laboratory, Head of Slavic Philology and Culture Centre named for I.I. Sresnevskii.
Research interests: Russian Language, Russian Language Teaching Methodoogy.
Contact information: e-mail: e.arkhipova@rsu.edu.ru

Afinogenov Ivan Anatolyevich – Senior Constructor, «Special design and technological office of relay machinery» (Great Novgorod).
Research interests: nanotechnology, microelectronic mechanical systems.
Contact information: e-mail: afinogenov_ia@sktbrt.ru

Vassilyeva Svetlana Anatolyevna – Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Philosophy and History at the Academy of the Federal Penal Service.
Research interests: history of penal service.
Contact information: e-mail: vasi-svetlana@yandex.ru

Gerassina Anna Sergheyevna – Postgraduate Student in the Department of Global History and International Relations, Assistant Professor in the Department of State and Municipal Management and Political Technologies at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: party system of 19th century Britain.
Contact information: e-mail: a.gerasina@rsu.edu.ru

Grebenkin Igor Nikolayevich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor in the Department of History at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: social and political history of Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the period of modernization, Russia in World War I, Revolutionary Russia, history of the Russian emigration, history of political thought.
Contact information: e-mail: grin17.66@mail.ru

Goremikina Maria Viktorovna – a Postgaduate in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: Russian Literature, history and theory of literature, Russian romanticism, literature genres.
Contact information: e-mail: mbpw@rambler.ru

Davydov Eugeny Alexandrovich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Research Assistant at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (the town of Dubna, Moscow Region), Associate Professor at the “Dubna” International University for Nature, Society, and Man.<
Research interests: environmental protection, conservancy.
Contact information: e-mail: eugene00@mail.ru

Davydova Inna Yuryevna – Doctor of Biology, Associate Professor, Professor in the Department of Ecology and Nature Management at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.
Research interests: environmental protection, conservancy.
Contact information: e-mail: i.davidova@rsu.edu.ru

Zeltser Igor Arkadyevich – Head of Analytical Research Bureau at PC Ryazan Metal Ceramics Instrumentation Plant.
Scientific interests – electronic spectroscopy, X-ray structural analysis.
Contact information: Phone No (Res) (4912) 44-73-12; (Ofc) (4912) 44-43-09.

Koltsov Dmitry Alexandrovixh – Postgraduate Student In the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management.
Research interests: senior schoolchildren’s healthy lifestyle formation.
Contact information: e-mail: Boris2904@bk.ru

Mazhaysky Yury Anatolyevich – Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Ryazan State Agricultural University named for P.A.Kostychev, Senior Research Assistant at All-Russia State Research Institute of Land Reclamation of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor in the Department of Ecology and Nature Management at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.
Research interests: environmental protection, conservancy.
Contact information: e-mail: director@mntc.pro

Lavrentyeva Natalya Vladimirovna – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: comparative literary criticism, Russian and German cultural links, Russian literature in the 20th century, L.B. Pasternak’s works.
Contact information: e-mail: natlaw@yandex.ru

Martishina Nina Vassilyevna – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: pedagogy and psychology of art, communication problems, conflictology, theory and methodology of education.
Contact information: E-mail: n.martishina@rsu.edu.ru

Rybakov Serghey Yuryevich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Theology at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: pedagogy, educational system development.
Contact information: Phone No (Ofc) (4912) 25-26-81; e-mail: orto5519@mail.ru

Sulitsa Ekaterina Ivanovna – Master Student of the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: philology, Old Russian literature, female protagonists in Russian literature.
Contact information: e-mail: e.antonova@rsu.edu.ru

Tarassov Oleg Alexandrovich – Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and History at the Academy of the Federal Penal Service.
Research interests: history of penal service.
Contact information: e-mail: socratia@yandex.ru

Terekhin Mikhail Tikhonovich – Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences, Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: differential equations and their applications.
Contact information: Phone No. 8 (4912) 28-05-74; e-mail: m.terehin@-rsu.edu.ru

Tobratov Serguey Anatolyevich – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Geography and Geography Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Research interests: geochemical landscape stability, natural landscape dynamics, regional climatology.
Contact information: Phone No (Ofc) (4912) 28-19-36; e-mail: tobratovsa@mail.ru

Trunin Eugenii Borisovich – Candidate of Technical Science, Head of LLC «International Academic Corporation of Science and Technics» (Ryazan).
Research interests: nanotechnology, nanodiagnostics, science of materials, solar energetics.
Contact information: e-mail: trunine@gmail.com

Tryakhov Ilya Sergheyevich – Postgraduate Student In the Department of Russian History at Vladimir State University named for A. and N. Stoletovs.
Research interests: Great Patriotic War.
Contact information: e-mail: ilja.tryahoff@yandex.ru

Fedoseeva Tatiana Vasilyevna – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor in the Department of Literature at Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yessenin.
Scientific interests: history of Russian literature of the 18th–20th century, the works of G.R. Derzhavin, F.I. Tutchev, J.P. Polonsky, S. Yessenin, literary theory, methodology of teaching literature.
Contact information: Phone No. (Ofc) 8(4912) 25-35-49; е-mail: t.fedoseeva@rsu.edu.ru

Filushkina Svetlana Nikolaevna – Doctor of Philology, Professor in the Department of Foreign Literature at Voronezh State University.
Research interests: history of English literature, modern foreign literature, the author of a novel and narrative techniques.
Contact information: e-mail: snfilushkina@yandex.ru

Shandra Anton Vladimirovich – Candidate of History in the Department of World History at Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named for A.P. Gaydar.
Research interests: Middle East policy of the great powers in the 20th century.
Contact information: Phone No 8(83147) 3-31-64, 8-904-058-70-90; e-mail: shandra83@rambler.ru

Yuzhakova Yulia Alexandrovna – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Russian Language and Language Teaching Methodology at Ryazan State University named for S.A.Yessenin.
Research interests: syntax of the Russian language, category of identity of the Russian language, culture of Russian speech.
Contact information:, Phone No. (Ofc.) (4912) 28-45-07; e-mail:yu.yuzhako-va@rsu.edu.ru
