2014-№4(45) Article 5

A.V. Shandra

The major propositions and the nature of the Passfield White paper, 1930. Р. 40-49.

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UDC 942.084.0+956.94


The article analyzes the text of a formal statement issued by the British Colonial Office in October 1930 and known as The Passfield White Paper. The document and the story of its issuance have never been thoroughly investigated by scholars.
The topicality of the article is substantiated by the fact that the chronic Arab-Israel conflict, which is an inalienable element of modern international relationships, is rooted in the period between the two world wars. In this connection, in order to diagnose the causes and the dynamics of the conflict and in order to find possible strategies of peaceful conflict resolution, it is important to throw light on some mechanisms of political treatment of Palestinian population and on some conflict management strategies.
Within the framework of investigation of the situation in Palestine in the 1920s-1930s, one of the key points is sufficiency and potency of British foreign-policy in Arab-Israel con-flict resolution. One of the peculiarities of the conflict is a multilevel conflict management strategy. The first level is represented by the Palestinian government. The second level is the Middle East Department of British Colonial Office in London, which worked out most im-portant strategies of the Arab-Jewish conflict resolution. In this connection, it is necessary to analyze the so called White Papers, which were issued in London on the governmental level. The White Paper of 1930 is a singular strategy of liquidating and prevention of ethnic and confessional conflicts in Palestine.

Palestine, Great Britain, Arab-Israel confrontation, The White Paper



1. Sudeikin, A.G. Colonial politics of England’s Labor Party between World Wars. – M.: ( Nauka) Science, 1976.
2. Great Britain and Palestine 1915–1936. L.-N.Y., 1937.
3. Great Britain. Parliament. House of commons. Parliamentary debates. Official reports. 5 th series. – L, 1930. Vol. 239. Col. 1087.
4. Marlowe J. Rebellion in Palestine. – L.: Cresset Press, 1946.
5. The MacDonald Letter February 13, 1931// http://unispal.un.org/UNI-SPAL.NSF/0/BBAA033C46A9AA8B8525712C0070B943
6. Palestine. Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development. By Sir John Simpson, C.I.E. 1930. Command paper 3686.
7. Palestine. Statement of Policy by His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom. October 1930. Command paper 3692.
8. Report of the Labour Party Conference, 1930. L., 1930. P. 220–221.
9. The Times. – 1930 – October, 22.
10. The Times. – 1930 – October, 28.


