2014-№4(45) Article 6
O.A. Tarasov, S.A. Vassilyeva
The principles of Soviet corrective labor policy and its implementation in the Ryazan province. P. 49-56.
UDC 947.084.3(471.313)
The paper analyzes the data of previously unpublished archival sources to investigate the formation of the principles of Soviet corrective labor policy during the civil war and their implementation by local organizations controlled by the People’s Commissariat for Justice of the RSFSR and the People’s Commissariat for Domestic affairs.
The paper treats the activities of the People’s Commissariat for Justice aimed at the formation of the legal bases for convict labor management. The paper uses documentary sources to illustrate the activities of the Ryazan Province’s penitentiary institutions aimed at the reformation of the existing punitive system.
The paper characterizes the role of education in the punitive policies of the early years of the Soviet period. It describes the Ryazan provinces’ places of confinement and character-izes the measures undertaken by local penitentiary institutions.
The paper maintains that during the Civil war all penitentiary institutions were guided by the two principles of new penitentiary policy: full reimbursement of the expenses of the convict establishment and convict reformation. In full accordance with proletarian ideology and the new government’s pragmatic desire to overcome economic dislocation the two basic principles were carried into life by means of forced labor of convicts and their education.
Ryazan province, Civil war, Provincial Correctional Facility, Provincial Department of Forced Labor, Provincial Emergency Committee, Provincial Concentration camp, Provincial prison, penitentiary activities, prisoners’ education, corrective labor policy
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