2014-№1(42) Article 13
V.G. Reshetov
The elements of the past in Heinrich Heine’s poem «Atta troll: a midsummer night’s dream. P. C. 124-141.
UDC 830.09–1
The paper analyzes three romantic chapters of Heinrich Heine’s poem «Atta Troll: A Midsummer Night’s Dream». The research centers on two folk holidays, namely the Walpurgis Night depicted by Goethe in «The First Walpurgis Night» and the Midsummer Night depicted by Heine in «Atta Troll». The research shows that both German poets treat reality with irony close to folk humor. Heine continues Goethe’s tradition. Heine’s poem centers on the Biblical story of John the Baptist. According to Heine, Herodias has the prophet beheaded because he spurned her love. The romantic interpretation of the Biblical legend, based on folk tradition, influenced the subsequent authors’ perception of the story of Herodias, Salome and John the Baptist. In folk tradition Herodias (a queen or a goddess) becomes a witch-ruler. Mephistophelean irony manifests itself through the tragic and undoubtedly romantic image of the queen of Judea.
Heine, Goethe, the Walpurgis Night, the Midsummer Night, folk tradition, romantic poetry, Herodias, John the Baptist, Baubo, Abunda.
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