2014-№1(42) Article 14
V.A. Krivtsov, A.Yu. Vorobyev
Spatial patterns and formation of floodplain morphology of the Oka river in the Ryazan region.P.142-155.
UDC 551.4
The explored 45 km tract of the Oka River floodplain is subdivided into three morpho-logical areas: A – hydrogeomorphological units formed by riverbed and floodplain flows (segment-ridge floodplains, parallel-ridge floodplains, flow-island floodplains); B – hydroge-omorphological units formed away from riverbed and floodplain flows (smooth floodplains, leveled floodplains); C – non-inundated sites (floodplain terraces).
The article centers on structural and pattern peculiarities of loose sediments formation in different morphological areas, including buried soil horizons formed by alluvial sedimenta-tion.
The article treats some peculiarities of fluvial processes in the Oka river floodplain in the late Holocene, and focuses on the average rate of alluviation in the floodplain of the Oka in recent 27 years.
Alluvial sediments, meadow, Holocene, floodplain, floodplain alluvium, channel alluvium.
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