2014-№2(43) Article 11
I.V. Pakhomova
The theme of love in the artistic experience of the Silver age. P. 116-124.
UDC 94 (410)
The paper deals with the theme of love as reflected in the artistic experience of the Silver Age. Russian Philosophy of the late 19th – early 20th centuries treats the theme of love in versatile ways, namely through the prism of history, psychology, ethics, aesthetics. The Silver Age treats the concept of love as a unity of philosophy and art, hence its connection with the world of literary images. Russian Eros is not isolated from the traditions of European and world culture, but has an intensified moral sense. Love is understood as a way to creativity, spirituality, moral perfection. Love is treated as a means of developing personal integrity, as a means of transforming the world and creating a new ethics of creativity. Russian Eros, in spite of its versatile character, seeks enlightenment and spirituality.
Russian Eros, Silver Age, philosophy of love.
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