2014-№2(43) Article 13

S.A. Tobratov, O.S. Zheleznov

Biological productivity of the xylem in Ryazan Meshchera in the conditions of climate dynamics: space and time aspects. P. 142-158.

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UDC 630;911;551.5;550.47


The paper generalizes the results of the investigation of space and time regularities of biological productivity of the xylem in Ryazan Meshchera. The data of forest inventory serves as a basis for a databank of forest characterization and forest evolution in the 1980s – early 2000s. The paper maintains that the changes in the productivity of plant community are predetermined by the dynamics of moistening in the center of the Russian plain. The analysis of moistening dynamics manifested significant differences in the humidity of Meshchera geosystems in the 1980s and the 1990s. The paper maintains that the acquired results can be used for the assessment of the xylem resistibility to anthropogene chemical pollution.


biological productivity, indicators of landscape moistening, climate, landscape, xylem.



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