2014-№2(43) Article 6
E.M. Matveeva
An American woman as seen by Russian columnists of the early 20th century (based on pre-revolutionary Russian periodicals). P. 64-76.
UDC 94(718)
Voyages to America, which were rather popular in the early 20th century, formed Russian people’s ideas about the USA and the US population. On the one hand Russian people’s voyages provoked general interest of Russian society in the foreign country and on the other hand these voyages brought about considerable changes to the social status of Russian women. The 20th century issued a great number of newspaper and magazine items describing their authors’ adventures in the USA. Many of the items treated the social position of American women. The paper deals with Russian columnists’ interpretation of American women’s social status. It focuses on the issues connected with new women’s professional roles and their priorities.
New woman, suffragettism, suffragettes, gender, gender history, female history.
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