2014-№3(44) Article 10
D.A. Bestolkov
I am a poet… that is what I write about»: V.V. Mayakovski about poetry. P. 95-104.
UDC 882.09
The article analyzes V.V. Mayakovsky’s artistic assessment of poetry. The author performs a comparative analysis of V.V. Mayakovsky’s A.S. Pushkin’s, M.Yu. Lermontov’s, and N.A. Nekrasov’s poetic heritage in order to see whether the poets hold similar views on an artist’s role in society. According to V.V. Mayakovsky, a poet’s main task is not just to inspire his fellow creatures with his talent, but, as A.S. Pushkin puts it, «to burn with his Word the human hearts». We can trace A.S. Pushkin’s «prophetic» influence in many poetic works by V.V. Mayakovsky. M.Yu. Lermonotov’s ideas about a poet’s mission are interpreted by V.V. Mayakovsky in the image of his lyrical hero. The complexity of social problems touched upon by the poet shows that his social attitude is shaped by N.A. Nekrasov’s poetry. The article maintains that, working within the framework of Russian poetic tradition, V.V. Mayakovsky treats poetry as an artistic mission, as a service to his Motherland and his people.
lyrical hero, poet, prophet, Russian literature, creative consciousness
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