2014-№3(44) Article 2
T.A. Khochenkova
The modernization of Russian higher professional education from the Lycee to modern times. P. 14-19.
UDC 378.0
The paper centers on the issue of modernization of Russian higher education in the context of international integration and the necessity of using the experience of former generations on the example of the Lycee at Tsarskoye Selo. The accumulated historical and pedagogical experience, philosophical and pedagogical innovations borrowed from other countries and other cultures, as well as Russian original traditions of education served as a catalyst to educating a new kind of free personality. As a result Russian society was enriched by well-educated people, able to think independently and make decisions. These people were morally and spiritually developed and were true patriots of their Motherland.
lycee, Tsarskoye Selo Lycee, modernization of education
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