2015-№1(46) Article 12

N.A. Sobolev, M.V. Kazakova

The emerald network of the Oka river basin: the methods of investigation (on the example of vascular plants habitats). P.126-138.

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UDC 581.9 (471.0)


The paper characterizes the legal basis (both internationally recognized and accepted in Russia) of designating environmentally significant areas which together form the so called Emerald network. The formation of the Emerald Network is a European contribution aimed at promoting the goals that were set by the Convention on Biological Diversity (1992). The methods used by the authors to designate environmentally significant areas are illustrated through the survey of the environmental status of 21 vascular plants of European importance in the areas of the Oka basin. (These plants are registered in regional Red Books, the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008), or rest unprotected in one or several of the 15 areas of the Oka River Basin). The paper provides a schematic map of the Oka basin.

Plant species of European importance, Emerald Network, Red Book, environmentally significant areas, flora of the Oka basin



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