2015-№1(46) Article 2
S.A. Lamzin
The practical realization of natural-scientific and synergetic propositions in foreign language teaching. Р. 14-27.
UDC 811
The paper specifies some natural-scientific and synergetic propositions that should be adopted in foreign language teaching.
The generalization of a person’s experience in phylogenesis and ontogenesis results in thoughts and ideas which seek to be expressed by language means. The development and employment of language within the framework of historical and individual formation of a human being are connected with mythology as a logical system. Mythology incorporates myths and fairy tales with fantasies. Since mythology is one of the objective determinants in the development of human language consciousness, foreign language teaching methodology should employ myth creation as one of teaching methods. The pedagogical process can’t be alienated from the mechanism of predicting the future, as well as from synergetic, i.e. nonlinear, multivariate development of the world.
Synergetics, fantasy, imagination
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