2015-№1(46) Article 4
S.E. Tarabrina
University-local community cooperation as a major strategy for university branding. P.36-43.
UDC 370
The paper describes the benefits available to higher educational institutions involved in branding policy. It also deals with the main components of a skillfully developed university brand. The author focuses on an aspect of brand development which usually flaws Russian universities’ branding strategies. The author shows how this aspect is implemented by US universities and, in particular, by the University of Arizona. The author centers on the key stage of university branding, i.e. on university-local community cooperation. The author minutely describes all types of university-local community cooperation, such as various educational programs designed by universities to promote public benefits and to secure the economic development of the area. The author maintains that university-local community cooperation is mutually beneficial. The author formulates a number of recommendations intended to promote Russian universities’ branding and secure university-local community cooperation as a means to economic prosperity of higher educational institutions.
University brand, university branding, educational brand, university mission, branding policy of a higher educational institution, university-local community cooperation, university image, universities’ socially oriented program
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