2015-№1(46) Article 9
S.N. Motorin
Alexander Vampilov’s traditions in N. Kalyada’s dramaturgic works. P. 93-103.
UDC 882-2(09)
The article treats N. Kalyada’s dramaturgic works. The author attempts to discover both N. Kalyada’s unique artistic features and traces of Alexander Vampilov’s characteristic features in N. Kalyada’s plays. To identify the unique artistic features of N. Kalyada’s plays, the author analyzes the plays “Our Sea is Uninhabited, or a Ship of Fools”, “The Seagull Song”, “Amigo”, “Muglin Mugloe”, “Tutankhamun”, “America Gave Russia a Steamship”, “Go-Go”, “Oginski Polonaise”, “Night Blindness”, “Barracks”, “The Slingshot”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess”, “Evil Eye”, “The Girl of my Dream”, and “The Boater”.
dramaturgy, play, conflict, personage of a play, character, hero, artistic image, plot, genre, dramatic action, marginality, theme of choice, paradox, implication, leading idea, psychological insight, stage direction, irony, symbolism, antithesis, contrast, color palette, gamut of sounds, speech element
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